Staff Management for
Small Business.

Look after your staff.
Know your obligations.
Reduce stress.
Richard Krajewski
Richard Krajewski is an industrial relations specialist with experience across a range of industries, from cafes to paper manufacturing, from small and micro-businesses to large corporations.
He has is an Associate Member of the NSW Law Society and holds a degree in Commerce from the University of Newcastle and a Master of Law and Legal Practice from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Experience in recent years demonstrated to Richard that while your priority as a small business is making a success of your investments, you often need support and advice in workplace matters.
He specialises in helping small businesses like yours manage their employee obligations and is the author of two books – both now fully-updated third editions for 2024:
Small Business Workplace Relations: A User-Friendly Guide, written for small businesses with a handful of staff, this book provides the guidance you need to fulfil your employee workplace obligations – allowing you time to focus on creating a happy and productive workplace for your staff and your customers.
An Annotated Dictionary of Industrial Relations Terms & Expressions comprises definitions, case law, and legislation for words, phrases, and expressions used in the field for industrial relations practitioners, legal practitioners, and students.